Monday, April 16, 2007


Hi all we made it back from Aqcha today and we had such a great time up there. The last night we had up there after all of the excitement of the day we had dinner with the staff of Serve. There were also some local turkmen guys who played some music. Before dinner we prayed that the water from the well at the Serve office in Aqcha would be sweet and not salty(which it was and all the wells in the area are salty). After we left this morning we got a text message telling us that the water had turned sweet!! What a great miracle, the Serve office is planning to put a faucet out on the street so anyone can get water from the well, and now that it is a fresh water well, they really can be a blessing to the community around them just by providing water. Just for those who are wondering the well is a bit deeper than 375 ft. The drive back was pretty much un eventful other than Matt B. deciding to review what he had for lunch cause the ride was a bit too windy/bumpy. He was able to eat dinner and kept that down so that was good. Well I am going on about 4 hours of sleep and a 12 hour car drive, so I am going to cash in, but I am sure that we all will blog more tomorrow morning when we are refreshed!! oh by the way you can read more blogs by going to




Anonymous said...

So did my boss make y'all review what he had for lunch WITH HIM???
And, did you get any myspace pics of that? (That comment is for Dave).
What an awesome provision!!! (The well, not the re-visitation of lunch...)

Anonymous said...

Mr. Matt-
I saw you in Afghanistan at my church. I miss you.
I saw Dave riding on a camel it was so funny because he was wiggling on the big donkey!
And... that's all!
Make sure to write I miss Mr. Matt, mommy....
Jacob D.

Gabriela said...

Sweet miracle-how cool is that!?! So Bromley had a "Fear Factor Fountain" of his own?? Hope ya'all get a chance to catch some zz's!!