Today's singing was brought to us by the coworker's children. I was happy to play for them and the adults enthusiaticly joined. The children rejuvenated us with their energy, hand motions, angelic voices, and pure spirits. They had so much fun . . . they want to do it again!
The coworkers wrestled with today's topic of interpersonal communication, conflict resolution, and how it affects them personally. They discussed it in their small groups and ideas were exchanged.
The coworkers were very thankful for the gifts from our church family. Coffee, French press mugs, grinders, tea, jelly-bellies, and other sundry items were given and thankfully accepted.
We look forward to what will be revealed in our next gathering. So far, everything is looking good!
Hi Everyone,
So awesome to hear how you all are doing! Been praying for rest, good health and safety for you all! Keep the updates coming.
Pastor Henry, I hope you can reconnect with your old mechanic in the other country (Angela told me about him and his kids)!
Hi Everyone,
So awesome to hear how you all are doing! Been praying for rest, good health and safety for you all! Keep the updates coming.
Pastor Henry, I hope you can reconnect with your old mechanic in the other country (Angela told me about him and his kids)!
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