Tuesday, April 10, 2007

serve office

today we went to the serve office and got a tour from the blind receptionist. we met everyone in the different departments and heard a lot about what serve does and their vision and organization. nate and sharon started some filming with the office people, and my mom and i talked with steve about what the annual report should say. tomorrow we are going to see some of the projects in the field.

my bag came today, so now i have my bug repellant so i won't get malaria. :)

tonight serve had a team meeting at the craigs'. we got to meet everyone and have dinner together. some of the wives that my mom and i talked to said some really encouraging things about being out here with their families. so, that was good for me to hear.

thank you for remembering us before the father. he is showing his abundant goodness to us. especially we have the blessing of unity, which can often be threatened on trips like this. so thank you very much for your prayers.



Gabriela said...

Keep those prayer requests coming Jessica! Our hearts are with you & the team. Love 'ya!!

Anonymous said...

what a lot to do in one day. Thank you for the update. I am glad the wives are being an encouragement to you and that your mom is there with you to hear it. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,

Glad to hear your bag arrived and that you sense unity in the team. Hope Team 2's trip is productive, fruitful, and eyeopening. Take care and say "hi" to Baby Craig and the other teammates.


Anonymous said...

Praise God Pastor Kevin and Pastor Henry arrived home safely!