Sunday, April 8, 2007

from frankfurt

hi it's jessica. thankfully preganacy has not made travel any more uncomfortable than usual. we spent a short time in chicago and have been in frankfurt for some time. we got to go downtown, but it was very early, and it is easter sunday, so nothing was open except except some coffee shops and bars. also, it was quite cold, and i think i started to get frostbite, because all my fingertips were blue or very white and numb. so we cut our excursion short and came back to the airport. we're very tired, and i am looking forward to a nap in Dubai. happy easter! -jessica


Gabriela said...

Hey Jessica,
Glad to hear from you & the team. We'll be checking often to see how you're doing and how God reveals Himself through this trip. Love ya lots!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess-
I am glad the travels have thus far been "just as uncomfortable"... I know it was a concern. I'm also glad you guys have been able to make it our and about and away from the plane for a bit! Happy Easter!