Saturday, April 14, 2007

sat, apr 14th from audree

hi all. well, jessi pretty much described what we've been doing lately in her last blog. at teh CURE hospital, i gave blood because they needed O+ and that's what i have. a few of us gave blood. i feel like that was a real worthy cause! if i con tributed nothing else to this trip, at least i did that. i'd do it again if i could.

one thing that touched me here at the hospital was when one of sharon's friends greeted her. her friend Victoria. it wasnt just the standard 3 kisses on the cheek. it was a joyous hugging, kissing reunion of two very good friends. it made me cry. i'm crying now, just thinking about it!!!

later that evening another friend of sharon's came over to sell some embroidered items. so we all bought abunch of things. we even ordered a bunch of stuff! i hope we get it in time, but it was so much stuff, we may have to rely on Bruce Green to bring it back for us beause he is coming back later than we are.

on friday we went to a cafe and it was quite enjoyable! i bought a few handicrafts. i am very much into textiles so this is great! we then went to church. that was wonderful because there are people from ALL OVER THE WORLD coming to worship the ONE AND SAME GOD!! and we are all family!!! i loved the sermon for two reasons. one, the pastor has an irish accent and, two, God had a message for me. it really caused me to think about some things that i need to be thinking about, spiritually. i feel not so close to God lately and i want to fix that and get closer to him. so, this was a wonderful sermon. and i LOVE their Hymn books because it was full of modern songs that we sing at our church! i think Bromley would have loved that service we went to.

i am reading a book i found in the Craig Library called "Sewing Circles of Herat". very interesting.

today we went shopping in the city. it is VERY HOT TODAY!!!!!

till next time!! ---audree*

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