Monday, April 2, 2007

Requests for items to go to Afghanistan

Here is an updated wish-list of items you can donate to the Afghanistan workers. Matt can take them with his bring 'em on in!

Washable paint for children
Hair Care kit for American Girl doll (Item# DKHC)
Gummi Bears
Dry salami
Brian Doerksen CD
Hershey Chocolate (kisses or mini bars)
Binoculars (for bird watching)
Digital recorder with a USB connection (flash memory based)
Laminator with the plastic to use it (any size that can go in a suitcase)
Music book for "Song of Fellowship 3"
iPod power adapter
120GB External hard drive

The french press coffee mugs and other items were a hit!

Posted by Kim Hensley on behalf of Kevin Hom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got some washable paint and hershey kisses. Will pass them onto Matt before he leaves.
